All I know is, that we need to keep spreading the positive vibes my friends!!

"I am worth loving. I do not have to earn love. I am lovable because I exist. Others reflect the love I have for myself." - Louise L. Hay

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Last night in my dream I was a Red-tailed hawk...but my tail feathers were broken and I couldn't fly; although I kept trying.

"Hawk...Messenger of the sky, Circle my dreams and teach me the message as we fly."
Once again, I turn to Great Spirit's infinite wisdom interpreted through Jamie Sams and David Carson's book 'Medicine Cards'.
Hawk is akin to Mercury, the messenger of the gods. hawk medicine teaches you to be observant, to look at your surroundings. Observe the obvious in everything that you do. Life is sending you signals.
Life is the intuition. A clue about the magic of life is being brought to you. This magic can imbue you with the power to overcome a currently stressful or difficult situation.
The test is your ability to observe the nuances of power lurking nearby. Is power the talkent you have an dare not using?? Are solutions always hard to find because you have lost the broader vision of Hawk> Or is the Great Spirit displaying a gift that you need only to receive? Have the colors of the morning inspired you to create> Or has the gloominess of a present situation left you earthbound, unable to hear the voice within the raindrops splashing on your window?
Pay Attention! You are only as powerful as your capacity to perceive, receive, and use your abilities.
What is called for here is an intuitive ability to discern the message carried within the cry of Hawk. The shrillness of Hawk's call pierces the state of unawareness, and asks you to seek the truth.
The Ancients recognized this magnificent bird of prey as a messenger brining tidings to their Earth Walk, the Good Red Road, from the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers who lived before them. If Hawk were to magically cry, it was a sign to beware or be aware. This could mark the coming of a warring tribe, the birth of a child, or the celebration of counting coup. Hawk's cry signaled the need for the beholder to heighten awareness and receive a message.
Hawk medicine is a totem that is filled with responsibility, because Hawk people see the overall view. Hawk is not like Mouse, who sees everything through a magnifying glass. Hawk medicine people are aware of omens, messages from the spirit. No detail slips past them unnoticed.
If Hawk has paid you a visit, you are to be aware of signals in your life___ so notice and receive them. Hawk may be teaching you to grab an opportunity which is coming your way. On the other hand, Hawk may be bringing you the message that you should circle over you life, and examine it from a higher perspective. From this vantage point you may be able to discern the hazards which bar you from freedom of flight. Remember: Hawk has a keen eye and a bold heart, for Hawk flies close to the light of Grandfather Sun.

Friday, March 11, 2011

"Your greatness is measured by your gifts, not by what you have."

Good Morning!!

Practice began this morning at 5:25am.
I started off with 3 half sun salutations (surya namaskara) followed by 3 full sun salutation - each 4 breaths using warrior breath technique (ujjayi pranayama).

(It's been 5 weeks since little Ava was born, taking it slow).

Next, I practiced headstand (Salamba Sirsasana) for 36 breaths.
"Regular and precise practice of Sirsasana develops the body, disciplines the mind and widens the horizons of the spirit. One becomes balanced and self-reliant in pain and pleasure, loss and gain, shame and fame and defeat and victory." B.K.S. Iyengar
To follow came shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana) for 25 breaths,
25 breaths in plow pose (Halasana),
5 breaths in Lotus- shoulder-stand (Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana),
5 breaths in embryo (Pindasana Sarvangasana),
5 breaths in Fish pose (Matsyasana),
extended legs out in front for only one count
(abs are incredibly weak after baby delivery )

Corpse pose (Savasana) 5 minutes

Alternate-Nostril breathing (Nadi Sodana)
- 8 rounds/three times with one minute resting in between rounds.
The practice finished with sitting in meditation


'As a grain of salt thrown into water unites and becomes one with it, a like union between the Mind and the Atman is Samadhi.'
(Iyengar's definition of
Samadhi = A state in which the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation, the Supreme Spirit pervading the universe, where there is a feeling of unutterable joy and peace.)
Atman means the Self and the supreme Soul.
Blessings with your day!!
May the
GREAT GURU guide you!

Monday, February 14, 2011

The New Little Mother

She arrived at the Birthday place in Paradise, Ca and was checked in by about 3:00am. By the time the nurse 'checked' her, she was dilated 5cm (about 3:30am).

By that time, the contractions were coming on hard, strong, and fast. She labored on her knees, throwing up between contractions. She couldn't speak, the pain was too much. All she could manage was to moan and cry.

She couldn't seem to get a handle on the pain.

The mind and body must forget how excruciatingly painful the birthing process is as a survival mechanism, or women would never go through with a second pregnancy.

The midwife said, "make your sounds low". And that was the trigger she needed to allow herself to 'go primal'.

Her body was failing her. She had to use the mind to escape the pain. Using the breath to control the contractions shooting out her back and down the legs was as pointless as trying to fend off a bear attack with a toothpick.

She was unaware of time and space and that just over an hour had already passed. In her mind, she was miles away, in a field all alone; just her and the sound of her own wailing. She could feel the grass under her feet as she squatted low to the earth. She felt the cool breeze touch her cheek, and whisper through her hair.

A sound came in on the wind meant for her.
She made it her own, and started chanting OOOOOM as long and low as she could, until the sound morphed into the noise of another laboring howl. And then, deep from within, as if being unlocked from some primordial ancient vault, held within the dark reaches of the mind and universal soul, for just such a desperate time, - came the sound of the bija mantra La La LAAAAM. La La LAAAAAM.

Strong, low and steady from her cracked, parched lips, came the seed sound syllable for opening and cleansing the root chakra. Back and forth the sounds poured...."La La LAAAAM"...and... "OOOOOM". "La La LAAAAAM"...and..."OOOOOOM".

It was working. The vibration of the magical seed sound was helping the body to blossom open and expand.
Within 5 minutes there was a warm, gushing over her feet - the 'water' broke. The time was finally here.
Her body was open; ready to bring forth life.

"Here she comes" she barely managed before the most fearsome, agonizing, wailing bellowed forth and echoed throughout the premises.

You would have thought the sound came from 20 burley vikings lined up on the battlefield ready to charge.

Long and loud came her yell and then,.....her final reward. Sweetly and smoothly, a wee tiney, blue babe slid onto the bed. Perfect in every way, and wailing.

The proud new mother looked on for only a moment before swooping her into her arms, turning her body around and laying the child onto her bare breasts to admire her prize.
Success. A beautiful sight.

All the pain, all the joy, all the love, all the tears, the agony, the wonder, the miricle of life - here it is. As nature intended, and as women have been doing it for thousands of years, the cycle of life goes on!! What a beautiful journey into the world for this little one.


BORN at 4:54am - Feb. 6, 2011
7lbs 3oz.

Om to the divine Feminine!! And Om to the papas and daddy's too, for standing by and making it all possible.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ladybug - Messenger of Self-Healing

I spent two days waiting for you to come home. You didn't.
I walked out my inpatience.
I stretched out my inflexibilities - mentally with deep breaths by the creek, and physically with some meditative asanas;
Determined not to get upset at your lack of attention, as I cooed and chanted to our growing baby still in my belly
- connecting our center chakras -
ready to be born any moment.
I couldn't help but feel myself start getting mad at you,
at your youthful immaturity,
at your negligence to my needs to be held by you,
watched and adored,
loved and coddled.

I moved through the day, finally watching the sun tip barely over the edge of the canyon ledge, and the shadow start to move down the sheer, looming wall; at least she was dependable and consistant - standing there day after day, strong, solid, powerful.

As I went to take the clothes off of the clothesline, I noticed several lady bugs covering just your t-shirts and nobody elses clothes, blowing in the wind on the line - clinging to the white, cotton, fabric.
I paused and smiled....
"how could I have been so selfish",
I thought.
"Did you have a good HEALING day or two?"
Lady bug reminded me that this is also your time to heal yourself, as I should be healing myself and working on my own desires, cravings, and short comings.

We heal ourselves. Then we can come together and be whole!!
Bless you for doing the work.

Thank you messenger Lady bug for reminding me to be patient with the process.
Deep Healing takes time.!

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Baby Blessing!!
I didn't get any photos of the actual ceremony!! Some things are too sacred to capture in photographs, I guess. It just didn't feel right to me at the time.
Here's Ginger earlier that day smudging all the things we collected from nature to use in our dream catcher that we all built together - weaving our dreams and blessings for the baby, together into it later that night at the blessing ceremony.

The fire pit was to the left of Ginger (first photo) and down the hill a ways. Turned out to be a perfect night for a fire circle!!

Thanks everyone for coming and sharing with me your words and stories of encouragement!! I can't wait to meet my little babe. I am so happy to have all of you in my life!! I look forward to sharing our lives - you are wonderful people, and I am so thankful to have you all in my life!
Many Blessings!!


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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Moving into a Heart-Consciousness (Part 1)

We are just beginning to understand the importance of paying attention to the inner Self as well as the outward self. One is merely a reflection of the other. Being able to listen to the inner voice, is something that we are born with; but unfortunately as we grow, if this ability is not nurtured and practiced, hearing the whisper of that inner voice fades, and after awhile, we forget altogether that it’s even there.

Being quiet enough to hear it again is the key to really being able to care for the body, mind, and spirit. We so often need to slow down, be quiet, and sit still with ourselves; but with the pressures of living in modern society, the stresses we have adopted as routine occurrences are only shockingly astounding when we allow ourselves to step away from the daily demands of life and are able to look objectively at where we are, and how we are living.

Once we recognize the need for change, then we can act.

We are not our bodies, our emotions, our thought patterns, our addictions and cravings. We are not our flesh and blood. We are not our problems. We are spirits cloaked in humanity!! The longer we spend time forgetting this, the farther down the slippery slope of imbalance we can slide. It doesn’t matter how far you or I have slid. What matters is coming back; being able to rebalance the body, the mind, the emotions, and come back to knowing the true Self. When we realize who we are, and can hear the Self speaking to us, we see the connectedness of all things, all beings, and all energy, and we will always know how to BE. Balance returns easily. It won’t require any thought. We will act in accord with nature and be at peace with ourselves and with all beings!! We will be enlightened beings and will not harm ourselves, others, or the planet.

We need to start somewhere. The hardest but the most effective is the self. For ultimately each of us has to take responsibility for the condition of our world today. Once we accept responsibility for everything that we see outside of us, we can begin making inward changes that really will make a difference. The solution is individual. When we calm the body and still the mind, we will begin to understand the need to allow a change to happen, first within, and then it will naturally manifest without.

There is no separation between the inner life and the outer life. But to really be able to understand and believe this, we must move our focus from a mind-consciousness to a heart-consciousness. We move from a mind-consciousness to a heart-consciousness by quieting the self and listening to what the heart is telling us. We act according to the heart not the mind.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

We cannot redeem our physical environment without restoring our relationship to the sacred.

I put the question out there "If our thoughts become our reality, then where do we go from here?" And I think this is a pretty good answer.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee writes in the Huffington Post, and has his own online blogs about
Green Spirituality, Nature, and Spiritual Ecology and Environmentalism. I recently found this article of his about our planetary crisis and our own inner spirit crises particularly relevant and articulate.

I just got turned on to him by a friend.

He Writes:Spiritual Ecology is an exploration of the spiritual dimension of our present ecological crisis. At the core of Spiritual Ecology is an understanding that our present outer ecological crisis is a reflection of an inner spiritual crisis. Recently many people have been made aware that we are at the "eleventh hour," or even a few minutes before midnight, of a global ecological situation that could result in catastrophic climate change or other irreversible global situations. However we are less aware of the inner spiritual crisis that underlies this outer crisis -- that a lack of awareness of the sacred within ourselves and within all of life has created an inner wasteland as real as any outer landscape. The interconnection between the outer and inner is foundational to life, both our individual life and the life of all of creation, as has been understood by indigenous peoples since the very beginning; therefore we cannot address our outer ecological crisis without a real consciousness of the inner situation. We cannot redeem our physical environment without restoring our relationship to the sacred.

Our collective pursuit of materialism and our disregard for the sacred within all of life has had a devastating effect. We have dismissed our ancient role as guardians of the planet. As a result, the sacred fire that we were supposed to keep burning, the light of the sacred that nourishes all of creation, is slowly going out. We can see this in a culture that is increasingly soulless and fractured. We may feel it in an underlying collective anxiety that can easily become anger, projected onto outer situations. We may sense it within our own soul as if something is becoming lost. And we are responsible. We vitally need to become conscious of what is happening to this sacred light. We need to recognize this growing darkness which is a forgetfulness of the sacred within our own souls and within all of creation. Only when we are aware of what is happening can we begin to change our world.

Those of us who have been given a knowing of the sacred within ourselves and within the world have a responsibility at this time. We may ask ourselves, "What can I do?" but the inner world primarily requires consciousness rather than action. It is the lack of an awareness of the sacred that is at the root of this crisis. Therefore we first need to bring the light of our spiritual awareness into the present predicament. We need to recognize what is really happening within the inner world as much as the outer, within our own soul and within the soul of the world. Only then can we begin to redeem the sacred and open the door to any real change or transformation. Only then can we begin to heal the world and bring it back into balance.

Send me your comments!!
OM Shanti and Many Many Blessings.